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 What is "dare"?

The word “dare” can be used as both a main verb and a semi-modal verb. As a main verb, it means “to challenge someone to do something” or “to be brave or rude enough to do something”. As a semi-modal verb, it means “to have enough courage to do something”. Depending on its usage, “dare” can be followed by different forms of verbs.

As a main verb, “dare” can be followed by a to-infinitive or an infinitive without to. For example:

  • He dared me to jump off the cliff. (to-infinitive)
  • She dared not speak her mind. (infinitive without to)

As a main verb, “dare” can also be used in the passive voice with the preposition by. For example:

  • He was dared by his friends to eat a worm. (passive voice with by)

As a semi-modal verb, “dare” is followed by an infinitive without to. For example:

  • How dare you insult me? (semi-modal verb with infinitive without to)

As a semi-modal verb, “dare” can also be used in questions and negatives with or without do-support. For example:

  • Dare he tell her the truth? (semi-modal verb without do-support)
  • Does he dare tell her the truth? (semi-modal verb with do-support)
  • He doesn’t dare tell her the truth. (semi-modal verb with do-support)
  • He dare not tell her the truth. (semi-modal verb without do-support)

“Dare” can be used with every pronoun and noun as its subject, depending on the number and person agreement. For example:

  • I dare you to try it. (first person singular pronoun)
  • You dare not say that again. (second person singular pronoun)
  • He dares anyone to challenge him. (third person singular pronoun)
  • We dare not go there. (first person plural pronoun)
  • You dare me to do anything. (second person plural pronoun)
  • They don’t dare complain. (third person plural pronoun)
  • John dares to be different. (singular noun)
  • The students dare not cheat on the exam. (plural noun)

“Dare” is an interesting word that can have different meanings and forms depending on how it is used. It can express a challenge, courage, or defiance in speech and writing.

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