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Indefinite pronoun

Some pronouns have a definite meaning. They're personal, reflextive and demonstrative pronouns. Other pronouns, which do not have definite meanings, are called indefinite pronouns.

Here we deal with the two kinds of indefinite pronouns. We call them of-pronouns and compound pronouns.

Indifinite pronouns are like other pronouns. They can stand alone as subject, object, etc. of a sentence.

subject verb object ...
Everyone has something to do.
Someone is finding something in the garden.

They can also be the head (or main word) of a noun phrase.

For example: Most (of the students) are studying, but some (of them) are playing football.

We can notice that both Most (of the students) and some (of them) are the subjects. The words in the bracket can be omitted or optional.

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