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"Singular" means "one", "not more thant one".

In English grammar, we use the singular to describe: (A) pronouns, (B) nouns, and (C) verb.

(A) pronouns

1st person singular = I
2nd person singular = you (you can also be plural)
3rd person singular = he, she, it

(B) nouns

A singular noun has no ending added to it.
A regular plural noun (i.e. "more than one") ends with -s.
Ex: one girl (singular), two girls

(C) verb

A regular verb has -s in the 3rd person singular of the present simple tense. In the plural, the verb has no ending added to it.
Ex: A dog barks. Dogs bark.

I hope this article helps. If you have any question, please leave a comment below.

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