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Nouns are the largest class of words (part of speech). They are the main words of noun phrases. Most nouns have a plural form in -(e)s: ear ~ ears, wish ~ wishes etc. Some nouns are irregular. [See Irregular plural for more details]

The tables below show the main kinds of noun. Those on the left contrast with those on the right.

countable nouns uncountable nouns
a ball ~ balls food
a book ~ books water

concrete nouns abstract nouns
a ball ~ balls, food a dream ~ dreams, love
a book ~ books, water wind

common nouns proper nouns
a ball ~ balls,
food, a book ~ books,
water, a dream ~ dreams,
love, wind
John, James, Sam,
Paris, Texas,
the (river) Amazon,
the British Museum

In addition, there are some small but useful classes of noun (often followed by of ) which we can look up under their own entries.
(1) Group nouns: a crowd -> crowds ; the press.
(2) Nouns of kind: kind -> kinds ; types -> types.
(3) Unit nouns: piece -> pieces ; slice -> slices.

I hope this article helps. If you have any question, please leave a comment below.

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