
A pronoun is a grammatical word which we use instead of a NOUN or NOUN PHRASE.

Pronouns can be subject, object, or complement in a sentence. They can also follow a preposition. They have a very general meaning (either definite or indefinite).

There are the following kinds of pronoun in English.

definite pronouns
PERSONAL PRONOUNS reflixive pronouns demonstrative pronouns
I, you, he, her, we, they, them
(including POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: hers, mine, ours)
myself, herself, yourself, themselves this, that, these, those

indefinite pronouns
all, any, none, some, each, everyone, anyone, nobody, no one, somebody, someone, something, etc.

indefinite pronouns
relative pronouns
who (whom, whose), what, which (including also WH-EVER pronouns)

The PERSONAL PRONOUNS are by far the most common type of pronoun. They're important for making texts "cohere", that is, for COHESION - see also REFERENCE.

I hope this article helps. If you have any question, please leave a comment below.

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