
A prefix is an element which we place at the front of a word.

In English, prefiexes add something to the meaning of a word, but they do not usually change its word class (do not change part of speech of that word).

Let's see some examples in the table below.

Prefix Word Meaning
a- ahead, afloat [see a-word]
anti- antisocial, anti-war, antivirus against
arch- archenemy, archduke supreme, highest
bi- bicycle, biplane two
co- cooperate, cooperation, copilot with
de- decrease, descend down or negative
dis- disconnect, disown, dislike do the opposite of
ex- export1, ex-president2 1Out of, 2former
fore- foreground1, foretell2 1in front of, 2before
im- improper, impossible, impolite not
in- income1, incomplete2 1in, 2not
inter- international, Internet between or among
mal- malformed, maltreat, malfunction badly
mis- mishear, mislead, misunderstand wrongly
mono- monorail, monosyllabic one
multi- multi-purpose, multiracial many
non- nonsense, non-smoker not
out- outcast1, outnumber2 1out, 2more than
over- overeat, overwork too much
post- postpone, post-war after
pre- preface, pre-war before
pro- provide, pro-communist for, on behalf of
re- return, re-use, repay back or again
sub- subconscious, subdivide, sub-menu under, below
super- supermarket, superman higher, superior
trans- transalantic, transact across
un- unfair1, untie2 1negative, 2opposite to
under- undercooked, underdeveloped, underpaid too little, not enough

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